Frequently Asked Questions

Why “Architectress”?

Hate the word “architectress”? So do I. It suggests that architects are by default male and it signals a diminishment of female architects. “Architectress,” then, expresses what many women have dealt with and overcome professionally. It is a subject of this newsletter.

Is The Architectress just for architects?

Absolutely not! It is written for anyone with an interest in architecture, women in architecture and allied professions, American history, and/or Mary Colter.

What’s with your Mary Colter obsession?

In 2016, after writing, editing, and/or contributing to five books on sustainable design and the practice of architecture, I was looking for a new subject. Because of my ongoing interest in the history of women practicing architecture in the US, a friend who had just visited Grand Canyon suggested I look into Mary Colter. When I did, I was surprised I’d never heard of her.

Because of Colter’s work and the intersection of her career with many culturally, architecturally, and historically significant moments, it is a rich topic. I have been visiting archives, writing, and reading widely ever since. While I’ve produced papers and presentations for academic audiences, this blog is an effort to bring Colter’s work to the attention of a broader readership.